Tomato Pride

For the first time ever, this year I attempted to grow tomatoes.  Some tiny little Big Boy tomatoes, or whatever they are called, and then some that are slightly larger than a roma, but not oblong, perfectly round.

I truly just saw some organic starter plants this spring at a local nursery, and stuck them in a pot and hoped.  Sure enough, they are coming in!  Not beautifully, because now I know that I over-crowded them in my pot, but I’m learning as I go.

Cooper loves going out each morning to check on the tiny ones and he devours them before I can even get a chance to rinse them off.  Grammie is always surprised that a 3-year old loves to eat tomatoes right off the vine.  (is it a vine?)

This morning we went out to check and one of our bigger ones was ripe.   Cooper asked if he could pick it and then promptly asked if he could eat it.  He’s only eaten the tiny ones so far.  I said “are you sure you want to eat the bigger one?”  He emphatically nodded ‘yes’, so I said “go ahead…”.


Perhaps you can’t get a clear view of the face that followed.  Here it is again.  This is closer to the moment that the gag reflex hit.


Final verdict?  Cooper Jones will only be sampling the smaller tomatoes from now on, I’m pretty sure.

Me?  I’m just so dang proud of these little beauties!


 *sidenote:  if you love summer tomatoes as much as I do, check out my recent recipe on  Delicious~*

5 comments on “Tomato Pride

  1. jae says:

    Growing your own food is so rewarding! Great job.

  2. Jessica says:

    I can’t believe Cooper loves tomatoes like that. I couldn’t get my kids to go near a tomato with a ten foot pole. They look beautiful K, you should be proud of them!

  3. Alicia says:

    Ellie likes to pick them still green, bite into them, and then spit them out. It’s really quite a lovely sight.

    Yay for growing your own. It’s so rewarding (not to mention cost effective!)

  4. Mom says:

    Bravo on your beautiful tomatoes. Homegrown are the best. I love how you’re always camera ready when C Jones does something funny or cute. It’s like living next door to you. I’m going to go check out the blog for the recipe.

  5. mom911 says:

    That is so awesome that he eats them fresh like that.
    Gardens are fun, good for you.

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